For the purposes of the present document, the following terms apply:
NGSI-LD Attribute: reference to both an NGSI-LD Property and to an NGSI-LD Relationship
NGSI-LD Attribute Instance (in case of temporal representation of NGSI-LD Entities): reference to an NGSI-LD Attribute, at a specific moment in time of its temporal evolution, usually identified by its instanceId
NGSI-LD Central Broker: NGSI-LD Context Broker that only uses a local storage when serving NGSI-LD requests, without involving any external Context Sources
NGSI-LD Context Broker: architectural component that implements all the NGSI-LD interfaces
NGSI-LD Context Consumer: agent that uses the query and subscription functionality of NGSI-LD to retrieve context information
NGSI-LD Context Producer: agent that uses the NGSI-LD context provision and/or registration functionality to provide or announce the availability of its context information to an NGSI-LD Context Broker
NGSI-LD Context Registry: software functional element where Context Sources register the information that they can provide
NGSI-LD Context Source: source of context information which implements the NGSI-LD consumption and subscription (and possibly provision) interfaces defined by the present document
NGSI-LD Context Source Registration: description of the information that can be provided by a Context Source, which is used when registering the Context Source with the Context Registry
NGSI-LD Core API: core part of the NGSI-LD API that has to be implemented by all Brokers, including operations for providing or managing Entities and Attributes, operations for consuming Entities and checking which Entity Types and Attributes Entities are available in the system and operations for subscribing to Entities, receiving notifications and managing subscriptions
NGSI-LD Distribution Broker: NGSI-LD Context Broker that uses both local context information and registration information from an NGSI-LD Context Registry, to access matching context information from a set of distributed Context Sources
NGSI-LD Element: any JSON element that is defined by the NGSI-LD API
NGSI-LD Entity: informational representative of something that is supposed to exist in the real world, physically or conceptually
NGSI-LD Entity Map: mapping of NGSI-LD Entity ids to Context Source Registrations used in maintaining atomicity of transactions performed by Distribution Brokers and Federation Brokers
NGSI-LD Entity Type: categorization of an NGSI-LD Entity as belonging to a class of similar entities, or sharing a set of characteristic properties
NGSI-LD External Linked Entity: Linked Entity that is identified through a dereferenceable URI which does not exist within the current NGSI-LD system
NGSI-LD Federation Broker: Distribution Broker that federates information from multiple underlying NGSI-LD Context Brokers and across domains
NGSI-LD GeoProperty: subclass of NGSI-LD Property which is a description instance which associates a main characteristic, i.e. an NGSI-LD Value, to either an NGSI-LD Entity, an NGSI-LD Relationship or another NGSI-LD Property, that uses the special hasValue property to define its target value and holds a geographic location in GeoJSON format
NGSI-LD Internal Linked Entity: Linked Entity that exists within the current NGSI-LD system
NGSI-LD JSONLDContext API: part of the NGSI-LD API that is used to host, serve and manage JSON-LD @contexts
NGSI-LD JsonProperty: subclass of NGSI-LD Property which is a description instance which associates a raw JSON literal value as a defined main characteristic to an NGSI-LD Entity, an NGSI-LD Relationship or another NGSI-LD Property and that uses the special hasJson (a subproperty of hasValue) property to define its target value
NGSI-LD LanguageProperty: subclass of NGSI-LD Property which is a description instance which associates a set of strings in different natural languages as a defined main characteristic, i.e. an NGSI-LD Map, to an NGSI-LD Entity, an NGSI-LD Relationship or another NGSI-LD Property and that uses the special hasLanguageMap (a subproperty of hasValue) property to define its target value
NGSI-LD Linked Entity: NGSI-LD Entity referenced from another NGSI-LD Entity (the linking NGSI-LD Entity) via an NGSI-LD Relationship
NGSI-LD Linking Entity: NGSI-LD Entity which is the subject of a Relationship to another NGSI-LD Entity (the linked NGSI-LD Entity) or an external resource (identified by a URI)
NGSI-LD ListProperty: description instance which associates an ordered array of main characteristics, i.e. NGSI-LD Values, to either an NGSI-LD Entity, an NGSI-LD Relationship or another NGSI-LD Property and that uses the special hasValueList property to define its target value
NGSI-LD ListRelationship: description of an ordered array of directed links between a subject which is either an NGSI-LD Entity, an NGSI-LD Property or another NGSI-LD Relationship on one hand, and a series of objects, which are NGSI-LD Entities, on the other hand, and which uses the special hasObjectList property to define its target objects
NGSI-LD Map: JSON-LD language map in the form of key-value pairs holding the string representation of a main characteristic in a series of natural languages
NGSI-LD Null: "urn:ngsi-ld:null" or {"@none": "urn:ngsi-ld:null"} used as an encoding for null values
NGSI-LD Property: description instance which associates a main characteristic, i.e. an NGSI-LD Value, to either an NGSI-LD Entity, an NGSI-LD Relationship or another NGSI-LD Property and that uses the special hasValue property to define its target value
NGSI-LD Query: collection of criteria used to select a sub-set of NGSI-LD Entities, matching the criteria
NGSI-LD Registry API: part of the NGSI-LD API that is implemented by the Context Registry, including operations for registering Context Sources and managing Context Source Registrations (CSRs), operations for retrieving and discovering CSRs, and operations for subscribing to CSRs and receiving notifications
NGSI-LD Relationship: description of a directed link between a subject which is either an NGSI-LD Entity, an NGSI-LD Property or another NGSI-LD Relationship on one hand, and an object, or unordered array of objects, each of which is an NGSI-LD Entity, on the other hand, and which uses the special hasObject property to define its target object
NGSI-LD Scope: hierarchical structuring of Entities that enables restricting query results and notifications
NGSI-LD Temporal API: part of the NGSI-LD API pertaining to the Temporal Evolution of Entities, including operations for providing and managing the Temporal Evolution of Entities and Attributes, and operations for consuming the Temporal Evolution of Entities
NGSI-LD Temporal Evolution of an Entity: sequence of values attributed to an NGSI-LD Entity over time, i.e. its history or future predictions
NGSI-LD Tenant: user or group of users that utilize a single instance of a system implementing the NGSI-LD API (NGSI-LD Context Source or NGSI-LD Broker) in isolation from other users or groups of users of the same instance, so that any information related to one Tenant (e.g. Entities, Subscriptions, Context Source Registrations) are only visible to users of the same Tenant, but not to users of a different Tenant
NGSI-LD Value: JSON value (i.e. a string, a number, true or false, an object, an array), or JSON-LD typed value (i.e. a string as the lexical form of the value together with a type, defined by an XSD base type or more generally an IRI), or JSON-LD structured value (i.e. a set, a list, a language-tagged string)
NGSI-LD VocabProperty: subclass of NGSI-LD Property which is a description instance which associates a string value which can be coerced to a URI as a defined main characteristic to an NGSI-LD Entity, an NGSI-LD Relationship or another NGSI-LD Property and that uses the special hasVocab (a subproperty of hasValue) property to define its target value
For the purposes of the present document, the following abbreviations apply: