Actuators are things that can change their state (light on/off) or execute actions (move forward, detect face, etc.).
There is currently no explicitly and precisely specified support for actuation in the NGSI-LD API. Thus, this clause describes some conventions that represent a proposed best-practice about how NGSI-LD API and data models can be used for the interaction between applications and actuators represented by NGSI-LD Entities.
The conventions and approach described in this clause are not powerful enough to implement complex actuation jobs that depend on each other and, for instance, make actuation decisions conditional on the outcome of other actuations, unless that behaviour is implemented in a custom way within the application logic. The concept of a more evolved service execution logic, being a first-class citizen of the NGSI-LD API and able to offer more structured building blocks for actuation, is outside the scope of this annex.
An NGSI-LD system that comprises an actuator and supports actuation workflows is represented as one or more NGSI-LD Entities, plus a Context Broker, a Context Source or a Context Producer, and a Context Consumer, which collaborate.
The interaction between actuator and Context Consumer needs to be bidirectional. Thus, actuators are triggered by the reception of actuation-specific commands (e.g. "set the on state of the lamp to false", to turn the light off) that are encoded as NGSI-LD data, following a suggested data model. They respond with feedback, similarly encoded as NGSI-LD data.
Command feedbacks may serve to control the maximum operations rate a controlling application needs to achieve, and different levels of feedback can be requested, by associating a specific Quality of Service value to the command:
In this architecture, the application acts as Context Consumer, and the terms are used interchangeably.
Commands are sent to the Context Broker by the Context Consumer, using the standard NGSI-LD API and a suggested convention for representing them. In turn, feedback about command execution is received by the Context Consumer, both as continuous status updates and/or a final command result.
More specifically, the component that handles direct communication with the actuator is the Context Source or the Context Producer: it uses an actuator-specific protocol to control the actuator and get responses and updates from it, i.e. from the real system. Such Context Source/Consumer or Context Producer/Storage acting as a proxy or intermediary to the actuator is referred to, in the following, as Context Adapter.
Thus, the Context Adapter is able to use the NGSI-LD API to receive NGSI-LD command requests from the NGSI-LD Context Broker and send back command status and result to it, as well as using an actuator-specific protocol to communicate with the actuator.
The NGSI-LD Context Broker is responsible for handling direct communication with the Context Consumer.
Thus, to support actuation, there is a need to specify:
The NGSI-LD system has, in addition to the usual NGSI-LD Properties representing the actuator's status, a set of additional, dedicated NGSI-LD Properties associated with:
The structure of the commands needs to be specified, but not the internal format of their payloads. By using commands with a custom payload, one can support all kinds of operations, for example:
The data model for command requests, status and responses has to include metadata such as the QoS of the command, its identifier, and the custom payload itself.
Both the requests/responses and the list of commands the NGSI-LD system is able to support can be represented with additional NGSI-LD Properties, as follows.
The additional Property dedicated to the list of available commands is as follows:
It is a Property whose value is an array of Strings, each string representing the unique name of a supported command.
For each available command, a set of three endpoints is to be additionally created within the NGSI-LD system, by means of three dedicated Properties per command. The first endpoint will manage that command's requests, the second endpoint will manage its status, and the third endpoint will manage command's results.
This convention dictates that:
Each endpoint can receive multiple requests or responses, and it supports queueing of messages. For example, the command moveToLocation may receive a sequence of requests that are to be stored in an array and orderly processed depending on the arrival timestamps. A number of respective responses may be produced, as well. Thus, each endpoint, represented by its dedicated NGSI-LD Property, exploits the multi-Attribute feature (see clause 4.5.5), as follows:
Command Request endpoint
Command Status endpoint
Command Result endpoint
Usually, the Context Adapter (or the actuator behind it), upon receiving a command request with a specific datasetId, will then generate status and result with the same datasetId, so that, when the status/result is received by the application, it can link it back to the corresponding command that is generating the received feedback. The value of the request, status and result is generic, and it is up to the specific application to define useful values. As an example, the PackML language for the control of packaging machines defines a set of possible values for statuses during an actuation workflow.
In summary, the suggested convention prescribes a commands property that contains a list of commands supported by the actuator. For each of these commands, the convention requires a command endpoint consisting of three properties, the name of the command, e.g. "turn-on", the status property, which is the name of the command with "-STATUS" as suffix, and the result, which is the name of the command with "-RESULT" as suffix. Nevertheless, it is noted that such suffixes are just a convention to distinguish the endpoints. So far, two practical implementations exist, see clauses H.5 and H.6, that adopt the general scheme of this convention, with minor deviations. In fact, this convention is derived as a generalization that leverages the full potential of NGSI-LD sub-Attributes and multi-Attributes.
This convention can be leveraged by two different communication models:
For the interaction to work, the Context Adapter, acting as a proxy to the actuator, subscribes to all command properties; in example 1 of clause H.3.2, these are "set-brightness", "set-saturation", "set-hue" and "turn-on". When the application, acting as the actuation client, updates the value of a command property, the Context Adapter will receive the notification with the new value. This will be translated into the proprietary format and forwarded to the actuator using the actuator-specific protocol. The application in turn can subscribe to the command status and the result. The Context Adapter updates the status of the actuation during the execution of the command, which is primarily relevant in the case of longer-lasting actuations, and finally updates the result once the actuation has been completed. If the application has subscribed to the status and result, it will receive the corresponding notifications. Independent of the command-related properties, the status of the actuator, held within its regular properties, will be updated.
The detailed workflow is depicted in Figure H.4.2‑1, and can be interpreted as follows:
The forwarding model uses registrations and forwarding of requests. Actuation of commands is provisioned via registration(s) to the NGSI-LD Registry done by the Context Adapter that states "I am responsible for command property <X>". When the Application changes the value of a command property, first the NGSI-LD Context Broker asks to the NGSI-LD Registry whether the property is delegated to some other component. The NGSI-LD Registry knows that property <X> of the Entity is delegated to the Context Adapter. Hence, the request is forwarded to the Context Adapter. Similar to the other communication model, the request will then be translated into the proprietary format and forwarded to the actuator using the actuator-specific protocol.
In this model, the NGSI-LD Entity is distributed over two different components, because some of its properties live in the Context Brokers and other properties live in the Context Adapter, as indicated in Figure H.4.3‑1 with a dotted rectangle.
The rest of the workflow, i.e. delivery of status and result messages to the application, is done similarly to the subscription/notification model. The detailed workflow is depicted in Figure H.4.3‑1, and can be interpreted as follows:
The Fed4IoT project ( leverages the NGSI-LD architecture and the subscription/notification workflow for actuation, in order to implement the concept of a Cloud of Things. It enables virtualization of existing IoT sensors/actuators through Virtual Things and IoT Brokers. IoT application developers can simply rent the Virtual Things and the Brokers their applications need.
The Fed4IoT's Cloud of Things is named VirIoT (, and it is based on the concept of Virtual Silos as-a-service: isolated and secure IoT environments made of Virtual Things whose data can be accessed through standard IoT Brokers (oneM2M, NGSI, NGSI-LD, etc.).
In Figure H.5‑1 a diagram shows how VirIoT implements the concept of a large-scale and distribute NGSI-LD system that leverages the architecture and the workflow convention described in clause H.4.2.
All components encapsulate requests in a neutral-format message that leverages NGSI-LD Entities at its core. But, since VirIoT uses MQTT as its internal data distribution system, all information and actuation commands are encoded as NGSI-LD entities, plus an additional "meta header" that is used by the MQTT to publish and subscribe in a broadcast fashion to multiple vThings, because the same virtual sensor can be used by multiple applications at the same time.
For the actuation workflow, the "data" part of this message contains the command request, as specified in clause H.3, but with an additional value key that is the "command notification uri" (cmd-nuri), representing a location where feedback (status, result) should be sent by the ThingVisor. For example, the cmd-nuri contains the "data_in" MQTT topic of the issuing vSilo, so that command feedback (status and results) are sent to it, only, instead of being broadcasted to all subscribing applications.
VirIoT is agnostic to access control issues to a virtual actuator, since the relevant policies are implemented in the specific ThingVisor, which can grant tokens to execute actuation-commands to a subset of vSilos only, through preliminary exchange of specific actuation-commands (a kind of log-in).
Fed4IoT has developed several different ThingVisors (Context Adapters for different sensors and hardware): for example, lamp systems and robot devices are virtualized through specific ThingVisors, and applications can control the lighting system of a rented conference room or control camera and position of a bot by adding related virtual actuators to their vSilo.
The IoT Agent node library [i.22] introduces the concept of an IoT Agent, which is a component that lets a group of devices send their data to and be managed from a Context Broker using their own native protocols. Thus, it corresponds to the Context Adapter, and wires up the IoT devices so that measurements can be read and commands can be sent using NGSI-LD requests sent to an NGSI-LD compliant context Context Broker.
IoT Agents already exist or are in development for many IoT communication protocols and data models. Examples include the following:
This implementation follows the communication model described in clause H.4.3, as explained in Figure H.6‑1. In this workflow:
Provisioning of the devices will be carried out (via REST API) through IoT Agents, as well. This provisioning implies that, on the one hand, the corresponding entities (with their commands), that represent the devices, are generated in the Context Broker and, on the other hand, that the corresponding IoT Agent is configured for communication with the corresponding device, all in one provisioning step. Below, an example how to provision a device which supports start and stop commands is presented.